The Currently Reading Tag

Header - FionaHey dolls! Another Monday, another book tag! I was tagged for this one a millennium ago by the beautiful Maria from Bookgraphy! With my homework load gradually escalating, it isn’t too practical to be squandering my time reading and blogging, yet here I am! I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to answer these lovely questions! If you don’t already follow Maria, I highly recommend you do so! She’s the sweetest pea ever, and always posts the best stuff!

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How Many Books Do You Usually Read At Once?

The number always varies, but I often find myself reading merely one or two at a time- two being one physical copy and one e-book. To me, a book is no different than a movie in the sense that I prefer finishing a story without any interruptions. I wouldn’t watch only half a movie, pause it, and start another. However, I have broken this rule a few times before if I truly can’t wait to pick up my next read!

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How Do You Decide When To Switch Between Multiple Reads?

This explanation is far simpler than you would think – whatever my mood indicates! At night, I only read e-books, so this can also be a deciding factor. If reasons prevent me from finding or having a certain book on hand, than that can be another reason for switching between my reads. And, of course, if I’m following a reading schedule, I’ll read a different novel after I’ve finished reading the designated number of pages for that day.

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Do You Ever Switch Bookmarks Partway Through A Book?

Considering how the vast majority of the time, my bookmark consists of old receipts and napkins, yes. I switch them out as soon as I can find a proper bookmark!

Section divider.pngWhere Do You Keep the Book(s) You’re Currently Reading?

I tend to keep my Kindle on my nightstand, and will put the physical books I”m currently reading, on the top shelf of my bookcase. Of course, if I’m reading them that very second, I’ll keep them in my backpack or a table close by.

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What Time Of Day Do You Read The Most?

I’m definitely a night owl! I do at least eighty percent of my reading at night.

Image result for reading at night gif

Section divider.pngHow Long Do You Typically Read In One Session?

I prefer reading as much as I can in a single session, but since I usually have multiple engagements throughout the day, most of my reading sessions during the day, are only an hour or less. Although, I can read up to three hours at night if a book is truly engaging!

Section divider.png Do You Read Hardbacks With the Dust Jacket Off?

Absolutely! I used to always leave it on while reading, but I’m terrified to death of ripping it now – I may or may not had accidentally destroyed a dust jacket before. It also feels more comfortable in my hand without the jacket.

Section divider.pngWhat Position Do You Mainly Use To Read?

Either lying down on my back, with a few pillows propping me up, or lying on my stomach. As you can see, I’m not a huge fan of sitting. Haha.

Section divider.pngDo You Take Your Current Read With You Everywhere You Go?

It depends on the situation and the space in my bag, but if it’s an e-book, yes! I lug my Kindle with my everywhere I go. That device is honestly one of the most brilliant investments I’ve ever made.

Section divider.pngHow often Do You Update Your Goodreads Reading Progress?

I try to update it as much as I can, but I usually won’t update it more than four or five times for the duration of the read. Oops! I wish I would update it more, but when I’m absorbed in a story, updating my progress doesn’t even cross my mind.

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I Tag:

Vera | Bree | Cindy | Angelica | Abbie | Scrill | LaRonda | Kaleena | Norrie

Thanks for reading, dolls! If you haven’t done this tag yet, I also tag you! What did you all think of my answers? Let me know in the comments!kelly (3).pngInstagram | Twitter | Goodreads | Bloglovin

40 thoughts on “The Currently Reading Tag

  1. I read at night too whether it’s blog posts or my books lol. And I admire how you’re able to read two books at a time even though one is an ebook. Still, I have to finish reading one before moving onto the next one, idk why,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that you used a Full Metal Alchemist gif in this 🙂 And I agree, I’m a night-reader too. During the day, I have too many other things going on that I don’t really have a moment to really sit down and read. Also, there is just something so satisfying about reading curled up under the covers in your PJs.


  3. Thank you kelly, you’re the sweetest❤ and I’m also a nightowl! I have to agree kindles are the best thing ever created, I will never be grateful enough for mine😂 (even if now I have a bigger temptation to buy more books😂)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “whatever my mood indicates” – Yassss, that is the way it should go. 😉

    Great answers! I literally would’ve answered the same on all of these question (minus the thing about the Kindle, I suck at ebooks haha), particularly the dust jacket thing; they’re super pretty, but DANG do they stress me out. I hate how they get in the way when I’m reading, so I pretty much sequester them in a corner for the rest of my days. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This was such a fun tag, Kelly! I’m a night owl myself too and usually, that’s when I get most of my reading done unless I’m out and about walking around where I live, then I’ll put on an audiobook and get more reading done that way too. 😀

    For me with dust jackets, it often depends on the kind of dust jacket that the book has. For example, when I read Strange The Dreamer I took the jacket off because it is so shiny and I didn’t want to get all sorts of fingerprints all over it or rip it by accident. But then the Lady Midnight dust jacket appeared sturdier so I read it with the jacket still on.

    AND YES to getting reading done while lying down. It’s just the most comfortable that way, right? The only time I’m sitting while reading is if I’m cooking and passing time waiting for something to be done as I’m in my living room then to keep an eye on the stove.

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    1. Thanks for reading, Swetlana! ❤

      I have yet to make listening to an audiobooks a habit of mine, but I'm open to the idea! 🙂

      I don't trust myself with most dust jackets, but I have left on one of two sturdy ones before! Lying down is the best reading position ever! It's so comfortable! And omg, same with the cooking! But, I may or may not have accidentally burnt some rice before because my book distracted me too much. Lol!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can highly recommend it! I’ve gotten quite a bit of reading done this way this past year because I can read while walking to my parents’ (which is about a 30 minute walk) or while doing the dishes, etc! 🙂

        Hahaha, oh no! But that’s also why I set an alarm whenever I’m cooking – whether I’m reading something or not. I’ll just forget when it started cooking and I don’t want to guess when something is done – especially with meats.

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  6. “That device is honestly one of the most brilliant investments I’ve ever made.”- Completely agree. I read mostly on Kindle and love how user-friendly it is. 🙂

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  7. When I don’t read digital, I also use all sorts of random bookmarks that include receipts etc.. 😂 I read my books on a tablet but am eyeing out a kindle as it’s supposed to be more “paper like”. Glad to hear you enjoy yours! 😊👌

    And thanks for th tag lovely. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I also tend to take off the paper thingy from the hardcover… mainly because it keeps sliding and gets in the way 😀
    Thanks for the tag – i have not done it yet. In fact i don’t think i’ve seen this one before 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Our answers are practically identical! ( or well they would be if I were answering this tag! 😊 ) especially the goodreads one! I update it a lot during the first few chapters, before the book fully draws me in, but after that I always forget and suddenly the next time I’m updating is to say I’ve finished the book!

    Great post! 💕


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