The 20 Questions Book Tag

Header - FionaHello everyone! I was tagged by the beautiful Lillian @ Lair of Books and Ally @ Ally Writes Things to do the 20 questions book tag! I’ve been noticing this tag a decent amount as of late, and was insanely excited when I realized I had been tagged to do it! I love tags that have questions like these. It’s quite possible I have an obsession with them. I hope you enjoy my answers!

1. How many books is too many books in a series?

With a few exceptions, the longest series I would voluntarily read, would have to be less than 5 books. I am awful at committing myself to following through with series of any kind. It’s no surprise that my two favorite TV series are Sherlock and Stranger Things.

2. How do you feel about cliffhangers?

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If I’m being straight with myself, I have mixed opinions about nearly everything in my life; but, they are especially ambiguous when regarding cliffhangers. I definitely respect authors who are able to utilize this plot device to its fullest potential. My favorite cliffhangers are those which are able to provide a conclusion of some kind to its book’s primary plot, while also enticing me enough to wonder what will happen in the next novel. An example of this would be the ending of every Harry Potter novel.

3. Hardback or paperback?

I find hardbacks to be more aesthetically pleasing, but prefer the comfort of paperbacks while reading.

4. Favorite book?


It’s not my intention to sound like a broken record, but I will rave about this book until the day I die. The Book Thief is such a magnificent novel, and I would recommend it for everyone!

5. Least favorite book?

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I read this one in high school, and thought it was appalling. Don’t get me wrong, I love classics, but this book simply wasn’t for me.

6. Love triangles, yes or no?

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7. The most recent book you just couldn’t finish?

I don’t typically DNF novels, but I nearly couldn’t finish Seraphina by Rachel Hartman, last month. I surprisingly wound up enjoying the novel, but the beginning was notably slow, so it was difficult to trudge past it.

8. A book you’re currently reading?

I’ve been reading Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton for the past week and a half. It’s been taking me ages to finish it, but I promise, it’s honestly very well written. I’ve just been too busy to dedicate time to finish it.

9. Last book you recommended to someone?

*Skeptically glances up at question #4* Just kidding! Haha. I recently recommended Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu to a friend. I’m excited to continue with the DC Icons series!

10. Oldest book you’ve read? (Publication date)

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According to Goodreads, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is the oldest novel I’ve read! I thought Wuthering Heights was written before this one, but apparently not! You learn something new every day.

11. Newest book you’ve read? (Publication date)

American Panda by Gloria Chao. I adored this book! It was such a great novel, and had some truly hilarious moments. You can read my full review for it, here.

12. Favorite author?

My favorite young adult author would probably be Sarah J. Maas, and my favorite classic author would be J.R.R. Tolkien.

13. Buying books or borrowing books?

Borrowing. I have a friend who loans me so many of her books, and I also use Overdrive on a weekly basis. Although, I do purchase e-books fairly often.

14. A book you dislike that everyone else seem to love?

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. I’ve heard the sequels are better than the first book, but I wasn’t a fan of the protagonist or writing, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to trudge through the other installments.

15. Bookmarks or dog-ears?

Bookmarks hands-down! I can’t stand dog-earing my pages! As I mentioned above, I borrow books often, so I wouldn’t want to damage the pages in any way. And, the few physical books I do purchase, I don’t want to blemish. Haha.

16. A book you can always reread?

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Any of the Harry Potter books. I will reread these novels until the day I die.

17. Can you read while hearing music?

I’m able to drown out background noise really well while reading, so yes, I can read while hearing music. Sometimes, I’ll play instrumental scores from movies while I read. Haha.

18. One POV or multiple POV’s?

It truly depends on the novel. My favorite point-of-view is first person, but I enjoy third perspective and multiple views as well.

19. Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

This is entirely up to my schedule. Usually, it’ll take me a day or two to read a novel, if I binge read. So, a bit of both perhaps? Haha

20. A book you’ve read because of the cover?


Even though I shouldn’t, I read so many books because of the cover alone! The last book I read for this reason, was Geekerella by Ashley Poston.

Tag! You’re it!

Kaleena | Vera | Jacqueline | Krysta | Amanda | Norrie | Paperback Piano | Ally | Sophie | Maria | Kay | Kristin | Ashley | Tiana

I had a blast doing this tag! If you haven’t done this one yet, I also tag you! What do you all think of my answers? Do you relate with any? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading! ❤

Kelly (2).png

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46 thoughts on “The 20 Questions Book Tag

  1. Ahh yes, I’ve heard many negative things about the Shatter Me trilogy and thus have been staying away, so I’m glad your opinion lines up. And yes, Book Thief is sooo loverly! As well as Harry Potter! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lol the longest series I read was 13 books haha. But they were easy reads in my opinion it was easy to get through them. And I agree about cliffhangers, though at times I like to think up my own scenarios.
    I cannot wait to read enough books to the point where I have a favorite author.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello Kelly! Thank you for the tag ❤ This looks like a fun one!
    I just finished The Book Thief and it is simply amazing! I could never say that I had a favourite book until I read The Book Thief haha 🙂 This is probably my favourite of all time!
    I also love borrowing books- it makes so much economic sense especially I read most books just once.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dog-ears are the absolute DEATH of me :(( I relate to a bunch of stuff you said here, including the author question- SJM & JRRT are baes 🙈💛

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Shatter Me does get better but I really don’t like the series, which sucks because there is a lot of character development and I love one of the side characters! I guess it’s just not for me

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Geekerella was definitely a cover read for me. While I was not a fan of the story overall, it’s probably one of the most beautiful books I own LOL! The construction of it and the cover are just so modern and lovely. It’s great for bookstagram photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am just finishing the sunshine blog tag. Surprisingly those questions were so much fun! Thanks for providing another list. 😊❤️
    Sarah J Maas and Tolkien are also amongst favourite writers of mine. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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